A poem…
From the little things to the big things,
perspective changed,
it brought a different light.
The pieces of the puzzle we’re mix-matched,
fragile and broken, left in the wrong places,
bits having fallen and the attempted effort to try and pull things together,
to hide the mess created across the table in a room,
where light shined across
and through the deep dark tones,
from all the falling colors not sure where to go,
they just find a connection joined together as one in similarities,
of bringing beauty even through what would’ve been black and white,
or mixed as grey splattered across the storyline,
making an appearance view of dull from your eyes, but who says that is a rule that this earthly kingdom makes,
locking up the transparent vision to see through the world’s stigma and stereotypes,
launched to every passenger to believe this printed out list of beliefs,
programmed to believe the lies as truth in your grand story,
passed down by your grandmothers and grandfathers,
to the people you call mom and dad to cross paths at the perfect time,
the chosen location to first meet and have connection,
to be united through the power and love of God,
to bring a awe-inspiring baby,
crafted by the creator of the world,
shaped into a picture frame,
a frame held together with memories
with a reminder of how beautiful life is,
and how love with find us all,
a love that connects one heart to another,
through the valleys and the storms,
an outpour of the one who is love, God,
never disconnecting Himself, never hiding,
but living inside us, drawing us near.
What a gift we have to receive,
a gift that we do not deserve,
a death that we should’ve paid for,
a cross that broke hearts in a million pieces,
but brought them back together by saving our souls from the dark depths of sin.
Instead in the light of our majestic King,
wrapped up in grace and compassion,
we have freedom from our redeemer
we are held in the arms of love
forever and always.