Hey everyone!
I get so excited when I get to go to church. On Sunday I love picking out a cute outfit, going to the café for a yogurt parfait and seeing my friend. But what I love most is the service where worship is so powerful and I’ve felt the power of the Holy Spirit and felt healing. I love most the sermon that speaks to my heart and teaches me some incredible lessons. I love the community and the pastor’s deep passion for serving. I love the atmosphere and the sweet people who pray for me. I love the new small group for Spiritual Warfare that I’ve been going to before service.
I’ve been going to this new church (Evangel) for about 2 1/2 months now and I’ve been loving it. My original church (Solid Rock), I still dearly love, but I needed a fresh start. Thankfully a friend that I had recently met in group, asked if I wanted to come Sunday to her church. I’m so blessed by her and I haven’t missed one Sunday since. It was out of my comfort zone, but so worth the risk—I gained so much. I feel like I belong there. I feel closer to Jesus.
Today this Sunday, was beautiful. I felt the Spirit bumbling in my soul, while I was trying so hard to not get distracted. I stand to my feet, with my cane in my right hand, trying to keep balance, raising my left hand in praise, giving all the glory and honor to God. He is so good!
Some things that I’ve learned along the way on this church journey is that…
• Sometimes, you need to open yourself up to allow God to give you the blessings you need. Since the beginning of 2024, God kept putting on my heart to reach out to communities and so I did. In a Bible study group, I opened up and that led my friend, Erynn, to reach out to the leader to get my phone number. She said she hadn't been going to group lately but she felt God calling her to come that night. Wow
• Worship doesn’t have to look a certain way. I have to sit during part of worship cause I get weak, but even still I feel getting stronger in my soul. You don’t have to conform to what the people around you look like in worship. It’s not about sight, but about heart. I’ve felt freedom being able to praise God the way it works best for me. You can worship God even within your limits.
• God will speak through others to you if you reach out for help. That is a powerful gift. But you have to step out in faith in order to receive that.
• God WILL heal you. Not just can. Keep believing, have faith.
• God WANTS to heal you. He wants you. He delights in you. Say it out loud to Jesus: You delight in me.
• God is the healer. He isn't just someone who heals people, He is the one--Jehovah Rapha. He is my healer.
• Don't believe your illness out of your body. Don't claim a diagnosis or let it have victory over your life. It has no hold on you. Pronounce it dead because Jesus is alive and is actively healing you. It's not just Jesus that can rebuke. You have that same power.
• Healing comes in layers. It's not just going up to the altar and having a miracle. It's a step by step process. So don't lose hope, because every time you get prayed for or encounter God, He is doing healing inside you. And it will grow, we just need to have faith and believe in God's power.
Let these truths sink in! Hope this encouraged your heart! ❤️